Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Baby's First ADR Day! Disney Dining for the first timers!

Well hello there! We have officially reached the point in our Disney World planning when you see how much you've learned along the way and the nerves start a-fluttering!

We ended up booking our vacation through MVT, a travel agency notorious for customer service and fantastic deals! Many of their vacation packages are actually at a steeper discount than you'll find through Disney direct or anywhere else! So far, I am very happy with them! We are using their agent, Brandi, and she has been so dedicated and knowledgeable! If you'd like a free quote from them, just click on MVT and it'll take you to their site!

So, with the balance, room, dining plan, and park tickets clearly in place our next big step was to choose any meals that may or may not need a reservation and have it ready by the 180 mark! Since we knew, roughly, which days we want to be in which park it made it a little easier! We've gone through probably five "itineraries" that have been changed until we finally seem to have the plan that will work best for us - which included adding a day to our trip so we can enjoy a resort day in the middle of our stay!

To start planning your park days, I'd suggest looking at the things that are a priority to your family. We know we'll need a rest day, so we added that to the middle of our trip. We also really want to book the Early Morning Magic at the Magic Kingdom which allows you entrance to Fantasyland before the park opens as well as an All You Care to Enjoy breakfast! That experience is only offered on Sundays and Tuesdays, and since we won't be there on a Sunday - Tuesday *has* to be our Magic Kingdom day! Knowing that meant we could fill the rest in easily.

Another must for us is the Hollywood and Vine Character Breakfast in Hollywood Studios, since we fly in on a Monday that would be too close of a time crunch to risk, Tuesday is Magic Kingdom, Wednesday is rest day, that leaves us Thursday and Friday - Friday being our travel day back home. So, you can see how knowing what's on your "must do" list is imperative to planning your days and dining reservations!

Now that we know which park we want to be in each day, talk it over with your family! I was comfortable not doing a dining reservation at Hollywood Studios for dinner and just letting the day happen, but my husband really wanted to try the 50's Prime Restaurant which is by reservation only.

I've found that it's also helpful to have a tally mark space in your notebook if you're doing a Dining Plan! We are utilizing the middle-tier Disney Dining Plan, so I started by noting how many of each meals we get and then as I marked off our "must-do" meals, I tallied them up. This is important because not all meals are created equally. The dinner at Be Our Guest is now a Signature Meal. That means 2 Table Service Meals per person. So we're using 6 TS credits for one dinner. Which, considering we're pretty vanilla eaters, seems like a waste - but it's also the only way for us to meet C's favorite character - The Beast. And so we'll use them. But anyway, tally marks for the win!

So now you have your itinerary planned, your restaurants picked, and the 180 day mark is approaching. The reservation window opens at 7 am Orlando time. Which meant 6 am CST where I am. I set my alarms and had the MDE app on my phone ready to go! And then it wasn't loading...and I panicked. I rushed - half asleep - to the computer and got the Disney website going, all the while frantically refreshing the app. And then it worked.

The good news is - I got all of my reservations and at times that I think will work for my family! AND it really wasn't as hectic as I thought it would be! The bad news is...well, there isn't. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! And I am all about planning this trip!!

So there you have it! The next update will be our 60 day Fast Pass+ day where we'll plan out ALL the princess visits! And then at 30 Days it'll be PAY IT OFF day! And then we'll be there! Woohoo! Make sure to stay tuned as we wind up the planning and then post there!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Am I qualified for this?!

Yep, you read that right! I am doing something completely awesome...and out of my comfort zone.

I am, by nature, a writer. It's the one thing that stirs deep within my soul, screaming to come out if I don't do it often enough. In addition to the fun scribbles I've created throughout my life, as an adult I've also published several novels!

Years ago I got it in my head that if I wrote romance I could get my foot in the door to write what I really love - Young Adult. But that wasn't my path. The entire road was...just not for me. That's not to say that I judge or even dislike romance - I adore it. BUT it wasn't for me. So after self publishing a few Adult Rom's and even signing with a digital publisher for a few, I felt the Spirit convicting me and I left.

A few years later, I wrote and signed with another digital publisher for my two Young Adult novels, WANDER and IDEAL FAITH. They're in my name and easily found, if you're interested! Just get on amazon and search Lynn Marie Spinks with either title!

Which leads me to the present. After having a child, moving into my mom's basement with the whole fam as we search for our next house, and losing the laptop charging cord...yes, I was dying... I saw another opportunity to write.

My church is full of amazing people. We are led by our senior pastor who writes Middle Grade Fantasy novels. Go ahead, read that again. Leading with him are college professors, musicians who have played tours across the country, a man who survived a deadly bridge collapse - like, we actually have it all. And they were looking for someone who may feel led to write parenting articles for a new ministry outreach - Parent Ninja. It's an email that you can sign up to receive, once a week, or you can catch the abbreviated version in the weekly pamphlet at service.

So I offered to "try out" - and I thought for sure they would say "Cute. You have one three year old. NEXT." Instead. They published it. And I'm on the list for more! It has been an amazing experience in which I believe God is teaching me through my own words. When I sit down to write these articles I am challenged with my own behaviors and parenting choices. I am forced to look at how the compare biblically. And sometimes it hurts!

I'd love for more people to sign up for the newsletter and gain everything I am from, not just my own articles, but the incredibly gifted people I'm honored to share space with. The link to our official Parent Ninja posting is here along with the full version of this article (which is kind of funny and you may enjoy!), and if you click on the top where it says to join the list you'll be signed up! For free! Yay! If you're just here to see what I'm rambling on about it, I give you: the abbreviated version! Enjoy and Blessings!

Ultimate Pinterest Fail
By Lynn Marie Spinks

In this generation of parenting, we all have one common frenemy. Pinterest.

Recently, I found myself scrolling through ideas of things to do with my toddler. But take your eyes off of the phone. Raise them to her, holding up dolls. Enraptured in the idea of making a better moment, I was completely blind to the only thing that mattered to her.

My attention.

Our toddlers don’t have a Pinterest board for things other parent’s are doing. What they would pin, is us. When I was pregnant I dreamt of giving her the world. If she deserves and receives it all, then she’ll have an inkling of how I feel, right?

The short answer is no. As parents we are their world, just as they are ours. Toys come and go. But our time and attention - that’s what they were meant to receive.

When we fail to recognize that, we are creating the worst Pinterest fail of all.

Proverbs 22:6 says “train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it,” the Holy Spirit didn’t mean train your child to search the internet for more or better. With this generation, it is extra important that we remember to train up our children by our actions.

And that means limiting our own screen time to lunch breaks or after bedtime and using the time we have with our kids for just that.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Disney World Planning Check In!

Ok friends, last time we met I was showing you the beginning steps to planning your Disney World vacation! On a budget. For the first time. Because that's what I'm going through!

Remember I had mentioned that you will need to leave yourself open for changes? Well. Here's one that we recently made.

As I watched video upon video and tour plans, I realized that this vacation was supposed to be for my family - but I was planning it out for what my dream vacation was. And so I looked a little closer.

Yes, staying club level at the Grand Floridian is my ultimate bucket list stay. But is that what will make the biggest amount of magic for my (then) four year old? Will the hustle and the bustle stress out my husband? The answer was a little disappointing until I remembered why I was planning this. So we've made a switch! Now, we are booking a Royal Room at Port Orleans Riverside! The resort has been described as "serene" and "quiet" - a perfect fit for DH. And the Royal Rooms are decked out in princesses! Perfect for DD! And as a bonus, it should cost us around $400 less. And being on a budget? Every penny counts!

So with a new plan in place and a more unified front, the saving has begun! My dry-erase board has a few boxes blocked out and I've got a few more tips and tricks for you!

Tip #1

This doesn't apply as much if you are experienced with Disney, but I can't tell you how helpful it's been that I've been watching and studying for what will be over a year prior to our trip. That extra time padding is allowing me to change plans, save up, and find new ways to bring home the dough!

Tip #2

I've come to find that there is nothing quite as valuable as the direct advice from people who have been there done that and don't even need (but bought anyway) the t-shirt. There are distinct groups for the resorts, parks, Disney Springs, and savings groups. Don't worry, I'll link them so you don't have to search.

Ways to Save For Disney has been AWESOME, the Magic Kingdom Info Group and my personal favorite, The Port Orleans Magical Guide Group!

Tip #3

This is something I've come to learn the hard way. There are like, 5 people who care that you're going/planning on going. Some will use it against you, some will roll their eyes because they don't believe you, and others will tell you not to. You know what that does? It steals your joy. Find the groups, the individuals you know will be excited for you, and only confide in them. Keep the haters back far enough that you're not in their shade.

So what am I doing to save?

I've mentioned before that we are not a family with extra money just laying around. A savings account hasn't typically lasted long enough to accrue a penny's worth of interest, you know? And lets be honest. Disney is expensive. Especially if you're flying in. So what am I doing in the past few months of downtime to save up? Let's review!

You've probably seen and heard about this one a lot. Many a Disney-vacationer uses this, or attempts to, in order to save a few bucks! While I've seen some people earning close to a thousand dollars a month on it - that's not been my experience. Which isn't to say it's a bad one! I just cashed in today on another $50 in free money, so I'm not mad lol! My advice? Set low expectations if you don't have a ton of time on your hands. I do only the larger money makers. Saving $1 here or there doesn't cut it for me, if it makes me $10+ I'm in. And do as much of the daily stuff as you can! Think long term, each month you get a bonus based on the previous months activity! I've currently earned $174 from Swagbucks and every single penny is appreciated!

Thinking about joining? It's free - why not? Use my link for extra hugs and love and support!

This one takes a lot longer for me to save on. I only go to a handful of stores and there's a three year old human with me who isn't as appreciative of the scanning scavenger hunts as I wish she was. Nevertheless, I've earned a $10 Target gift card and am close to my second! That bumps my "total" free-money savings closer to $200, so I'll take it!

Use my code JOY683208 and you'll earn an extra 250 kicks when you join me and complete your first Walk-in or Scan within the first 7 days! Yes, it's that easy. They give you points for walking into a store.

I know, I know, I said we haven't been great with these in the past but the truth is that we're trying. Mainly because we sold our house and that payoff is desperately needed for the next house we find, which means it can't be touched! So savings account to the rescue! It also gives us the option of transferring money directly to it from our paychecks. So that $10 I added to it a month ago? It's still in there safe and sound and I'm keeping track of how much I've added and what it's for! The $50 cashout I just took from Swagbucks today was in the form of PayPal, so as soon as it clears it will be transferred straight to the savings account to help with flight money! You'd be amazed how little you miss $5 or $10 here and there, but how quickly it adds up! Go through your car counsel and turn in your change, empty your pockets, take a few bucks directly out as soon as you get paid!

Ibotta is super helpful if you grocery shop at big box stores like Meijer or Walmart. Target also has some products, but I see more for Meijer by me than I do Target. Unfortunately I use a local chain more often than not, but even with the "any grocery item" or few items I've picked up purposefully after seeing the rebate on Ibotta I'm currently sitting at just over $26 - which will go up by $5 if my mom ever turns in a receipt since she signed up under my invite! lol! Come on, Ma! lol!

If you'd like to try it out, for free, and be an active member of my Ibotta team use referral code: wkqkmkk !

Ok. Remember how I said plan early? This is why. It's already tax time for this year, so if you're like me you're refund is already in and gone! But since we started this planning in December, when we found out what our refund looked like I was able to suggest X chunk went to Disney. Then I used my Target RED Debit Card to get the gift cards for 5% off. Every. Penny. Counts.

And last but not least, I am working my business! The "Lipstick" part of my blog's title is from the fact that I am a proud Mary Kay Beauty Consultant! Aside from the whole "I love the products, I love the sisterhood, this business has changed my life" thing - I make 50% of everything I sell. And I have no territories, quotas, or requirements. So basically, I buy a mascara from them for $7.50 and sell it for $15. That $7.50 is mine. Of course, a smart business woman always invests the other $7.50 back into her business - but since I bought the product outright, if I needed to keep the whole $15 that day to feed my kid or whatever other reason I had, it's my business and I can do that. A company that's been around, tested, tried and true for 55 years this year that wants to pay me a 50% commission off of my product, offers a 100% cash back guarantee to my customers, and bling me out with rewards for making money? Ummm, yes, please. If you don't have a consultant and would like to know more about doing what I do or checking out the product, shoot me an email and I'd be happy to help however I can! lynnmariespinks@marykay.com

How else are you saving? Have your plans changed too? Let me know!